Life is good when family, siblings, in-laws, relatives, and friends support your imaginings and do all they can to make those dreams come true. I am fortunate to be surrounded by all those wonderful people, and I’m not sure it would have happened without them. My main character’s surname is my husband’s middle name, and as I appropriated my children’s names (because they are so special to me), every day I write about at least one of them. The character descriptions aren’t even close, but typing the strings of letters brings me close to them.
My siblings lift me up and applaud when fitting, read rough drafts to make sure I keep true to our family lore—terribly exaggerated story telling including out-of-this-world terrific April Fools pranks, and provide opportunities to share my story. They tell their friends and co-workers and spread the word. First, second, and third cousins attend book signings and library talks just to let me know they, too, have read my work.
My friends have been there from the start, with encouragement—finish it already, time—I’ll sit with you for six hours at the craft fair, support—where do you come up with this stuff—recognition—that sounds like xxxxx! They’ve corrected rough drafts, scanned eBooks, and shared paperbacks. They’ve taste-tested the many cocktail recipes I like to include in my books, held book club meetings to discuss my latest novel, and set up opportunities for others to learn about my books. Isn’t it grand?
I’ve been fortunate to connect with other writers, published and pre-published, who give honest opinions and well-thought-out critiques. We share the experience, and I only hope I help their work as much as they’ve helped mine. I’ve met helpful instructors, in-person and on-line, who’ve encouraged and added blurbs to my book jackets which is over-the-top.
Joining writing groups like SinC, especially our local Twin Cities Sisters in Crime, is a fabulous way to meet like-minded individuals who have walked the same arduous path in their quest to write terrific, award-winning mysteries. The support and opportunities they provide is unparalleled.
And then to top it off, I have a great publisher, Columbine Publishing Group. My titles are titillating, the words are polished, the formatting is correct, and I’m happy.
Thank you to all who continue to make writing Katie and Maverick Cozy Mysteries a joy.